
Friday, October 14, 2016

October Blog Post :: Venting?

I just started writing this post and realized that, off the top of my head, I honestly don't even remember the last time I posted here.

Truth is I've gone through job changes in the past few months; left my old job with a law firm after being offered a position with a different company so I have been very busy with the transition.

*sigh* Who am I kidding, if I'm being totally honest even though my new job has been keeping on my toes all to my delight, I had just been lazy in keeping up with my blog hence why I didn't come on here a lot (read at all).

Anyway, today I mostly want to vent. I think. I'm not quite sure though. I can't seem to figure out the emotions I am feeling today, let alone put them down in writing. But, with me, even if I don't really know what to write, somehow the mere act of writing puts things in perspective and cheers me up. I'm pretty sure by now, you (which ever poor soul is reading this), have figured out there may be no actual point to this post and that I am basically having a 'dear diary moment'; if you hadn't figured that out, now you know.

I think I'm done now lol.

I have a few ideas for the blog in the very near future so I promise you won't be seeing a dear diary post; at least not for a long minute (let's hope so *fingers crossed*).

Hope you guys have all been fairing well. 'See' you soon.

Anne xo

Friday, May 13, 2016

Hello May

It is certainly WAAAY past the point to come up with a May post but hey, this is a special month for me so I'm gonna go ahead and ignore that minor detail.

So I mentioned in previous posts how my work lets me travel to different parts of the country, actually I used to travel to a lot more different places in my previous job than I do in my current job but I wouldn't change a thing (that's a story for a different day altogether.)

I had a chance to travel to Tanga at the beginning of the month and thought I would share some of the snaps I took. And yes, the majority of the photos DO show what my major priority is during my trips there, or anywhere really; if I'm being honest that's my major interest even when I'm just at home.

I stayed at the Tanga Beach Resort which is honestly one of the most beautiful places to stay in Tanga. I always look forward to my trips there. I mean, being catered to all times of the day is on its own enough to have me over the moon (figuratively) but the location and scenery is just breathtakingly beautiful! I feel as though the pictures simply just don't do it justice.

Also, this is NOT an ad; although, I wish it were because then it would mean I'm doing my dream job where I get to travel to places and review them for a living lol.....again, a topic for a completely different post.

I hope this month treats you all well loves!

Anne xo

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


The first time I heard this song I was moved, more so than  when I heard 'Hello' to be honest. But oh well, to be fair, the whole internet was buzzing about 'Hello' and that kind of thing tends to dim the excitement for's just how I am really.

I remember all of the things that I thought I wanted to be
So desperate to find a way out of my world and finally breathe
Right before my eyes I saw, my heart it came to life
This ain't easy it's not meant to be
Every story has its scars

When the pain cuts you deep
When the night keeps you from sleeping
Just look and you will see
That I will be your remedy
When the world seems so cruel
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
I promise you will see
That I will be, I will be your remedy

No river is too wide or too deep for me to swim to you
Come whenever I'll be the shelter that won't let the rain come through
Your love, it is my truth
And I will always love you
Love you

When the pain cuts you deep
When the night keeps you from sleeping
Just look and you will see
That I will be your remedy
When the world seems so cruel
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
I promise you will see
That I will be, I will be your remedy, oh

There is something simply heart-breakingly beautiful about the lyrics to this song. Again, this isn't really surprising coming from Adele is it? 

I haven't listened to this album in a few months but this song suddenly came up on my playlist earlier  and the timing couldn't have been more perfect (and no it's not romance-related defensive as that may sound).

Hope you're having an amazing week!

Anne xo

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


These words truly resonated with me this week. I tend to let my imagination run wild sometimes and my worries, fears and thoughts get the best of me. This week I learned, yet again, that what I may, at the moment, fear most might not even be real.

You know how sometimes something is not an "issue" at first but then somehow you think and obsess over it for soooo long that you convince yourself otherwise? I've been guilty of this in the past and while I may not have mastered the art of not letting this be so, I still am working on it and definitely getting better. As in one of my favorite quotes by Confucius,

"It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop"

I couldn't agree more......absolutely ANYTHING can happen. I was reminded of this again this week and I honestly couldn't be more happier and thankful.

Okay so I realize this post might not make a lot of sense to you guys due to lack of details but if you do choose to take anything from it, I hope that at least the featured quotes resonate with you as they did with me in a positive way and give you hope that in whatever it is you are going through, it won't and can't last forever; anything could happen!

Anne xo

Monday, February 15, 2016

Late Monday Inspiration:: February Edition

Hey loves, I do hope you had a lovely Valentine's weekend with you and your loved ones. I most certainly did.

Here's a little late Monday inspiration from me to you.

Sure you can be a negative nancy in your interpretation of this quote or you can choose to take it as a push and reminder that whatever it is you want to do, go ahead and do it now, what's stopping you?

In the spirit of not only talking the talk but also walking the walk, I have some plans and ideas of my own. I'll share them with you guys as soon as everything is set in stone.

Be great this week loves!

Anne xo

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Hello February

A new week, a new month, a new start......isn't that refreshing? It definitely is to me.

I've been a little uninspired lately; well to be very honest I HAVE been inspired to post more but I just couldn't think of what to write about. To this day I haven't been able to randomly write about just anything for the sake of posting on the blog, there is always something behind my posts; could be something I'm going through or, as the blog name suggests, something very random around me that catches my eye. Lately though I've felt a little pressure (mostly from myself) to post about specific things, positive posts so to speak (if that makes sense). 

But guess what, that's not me. I post about all of it; the good, the bad, the happy and the sad (that unintentionally rhymed lol). Take this time for instance, I had a moment, literally minutes ago where I felt let down by a friend, I'm sure it wasn't intentional (I hope not lol) but I still felt hurt. Now I'm not a naturally confrontational person and like I said, I don't think any of it was intentional so instead of holding it all in, I decided to come on here and channel my hurt into a post. 

Times like these, words just seem to fly out of my fingers and I kid you not, I always feel a ton better after I'm done writing. My emotions, good or bad fuel my writing and give me inspiration to post; isn't that where the ideas behind all great artistic work come from? An emotional push? 

I couldn't agree more; for those like me who may not necessarily have the easiest time sharing whatever they are going through, I think it's important to find a healthy outlet. I guarantee it will do wonders for you. Let's face it, keeping things in never is healthy and who knows what facing it all will bring, you could end up being very pleasantly surprised.

I REALLY do....mine sure is right now.

Have a good one.

Anne xo

Monday, January 25, 2016

Monday Inspiration:: January Edition

Hey guys, so the weekend is over and here we are starting a new week. Mondays are tricky, this isn't really news but then again we absolutely have the power and the choice to make it better.

Thought I would share a little Monday inspiration to help brighten up the day.

Instead of wasting your energy and losing focus by being grumpy and blue this Monday, choose to instead get back on track and use your energy on  something worth while. The world is your oyster, don't forget that. Time to make all your dreams a reality.

Do have a fabulous week ahead!

Anne xo

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Food for Thought::January Edition

A friend recently told me that my posts have been a little too much to chew on lol. I thought I would make this one a little easy on the eyes (this has absolutely nothing to do with my lack of ideas for a post okay? good).

On a serious note though, I came across these pictures with their insightful messages and thought I would share them with you guys. Hopefully they might have some meaning to someone out there.

Anne xo

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Fresh Start

No matter how much you want to deny it, a new year somehow always feels like starting a new page. I honestly don't think you can shake that feeling away.

We've all seen pages on social media making fun of people who are always saying 'new year, new me'.


Okay okay so maaaaybe that statement in itself  is a bit of a stretch and usually people who say these things somehow always seem to forget all about it after a mere few weeks. After all, how realistic is it to be a 'new you'? It's just too much pressure and even if it were possible, not too many of us have the discipline to follow through with that.

I personally think that there is something very refreshing about starting a new year. It feels like a new start and the possibilities just seem endless! As cliche as it sounds, it's January again and we have all the months up until December to go through and once again it's an opportunity to hit the restart button and go through the motions all over again; except now, we have a chance to take all that we've learned in the previous year and make the necessary changes in our day to day lives. Everything that happened the previous year has passed and is gone and now we have a chance to restart or maybe keep pushing (whichever is preferable).

Again, you can choose to push the refresh button at any time of the year, in fact it may actually be a better option; however, being that it is the start of the year, why not take advantage of it and start from here? What's the harm in that?

I do hope you had a fabulous time during the holidays and that the new year brings with it all that you hope and aspire for.

Happy happy new year loves!

Anne xo