There certain things that we come across in life that tend to somehow stick to us because of how they resonate with us, touch or affect us.
A few years back I read, or was it watched or heard?? (for the life of me I can't remember which is which) a phrase that has been one of those that stuck to me to this very day. It goes along something like this;
"Never let the actions of others affect who you are".
See, as individuals, we are each different and unique in our own ways. We each have our own values, beliefs, behaviors with respect to how we treat other individuals. However, I have come to find that many a times, we let the actions of others affect how we are. We let circumstances change us into behaving in ways we never would have, to the extent that sometimes we even surprise ourselves.
In my last post I briefly mentioned how the past weekend wasn't necessarily my best one. My initial reaction to the events of the weekend (I don't mean to make it sound so suspenseful lol) was naturally, as a human to harbor negative feelings. It honestly took me a while to work through everything in my head and get to a place where I could think rationally.
So yesterday, as I was out and about, I just realized how much power I had given to whatever it was that was bothering me. I realized that I was letting things, that shouldn't really matter in the first place, take up so much of my mind and in the process the negative feelings were slowly making me become a person I really am not.
See, we are who we are and that is our identity, we cannot and absolutely should not let anyone or anything change us into something else. Nothing should have that kind of power over us.
For me, as I remembered this quote, I was reminded to simply let go; I may not have power over the actions of other people, but I definitely have power over how I react to these actions. I refuse to let myself change into a different person based on the actions of other people; whatever happens will not affect who I am as a person.
I know it's not an easy thing to accomplish but I believe it's worth the effort.
Anne xo